Discipline that Disciples
The further culture has gotten from a biblical perspective of discipline for children the more kids have struggled to develop and demonstrate self-control, self-discipline, and responsibility. The goal of biblical discipline should go far beyond compliance. Discipline should be a key part of the process of discipling your children. It should lead them toward a deeper relationship with Jesus. That journey is never easy, but it's one of the most rewarding things you can do in life!
Parenting for long-term results
Too often we parent for the short-term (How can I make it through this crisis?). One day you wake up and realize that your child is moving out and he or she is not where you hoped they would be spiritually. Use It Or Lose It gives you a clear plan for parenting for the long-term, so that your children own their own faith and are spiritual leaders.

A biblical look at today's hottest issues
More and more culture is setting the tone for the morality of society.  Many Christians fear being on the "wrong side of history," leaving us with a choice to either hold to the traditional understanding of the Bible or reinterpret it to keep up with the times.  Christ In Culture takes a look at what the Bible says about cultural issues and addresses how Christians can communicate what we believe in a time when the biblical view is not popular.